21 December 2023

Master Data File of LIC Agents Customer

Master Data File of LIC Agents Customer

Master Data File of LIC Agents Customer

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An important file is being given here for the Agents working for Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). With the help of which LIC Agents can keep the important information of their customers safe with them.

So if you are a LIC Agent and want to know more about this file in detail or want to download it and use it, then read this article of Jeevan Bima Bazaar carefully and follow the given suggestions.

What is LIC Master Data File:

LIC Agent's Master Data File is an extension of Life Insurance Record File for LIC Agents. This means that just as customer's data is kept safe in "Life Insurance Record File for LIC Agents", similarly customer's data is also kept safe in "LIC's Master Data File".

The only difference is that the record file contains information only about the customer and his family members, whereas in the master data file, along with the information about the customer and his family, his important documents like Aadhaar card, bank details etc. are also recorded.

Benefits of LIC Master Data File:

By maintaining the customer's information in LIC's Master Data File, the LIC Agent knows about his customer and his previous policies. Due to which convenience is available in Policy Servicing, selling New Policies etc.

Download LIC Master Data File:

If you want to download LIC Master Data File then click on the button given below. By doing this, the PDF file of LIC's Master Data File will be downloaded to your device. Later you can print-out it and use it.

Customer Master Data File 2.7 MB

Secure Master Data File Records Online:

If you store your customer information as Physical Documents, you'll gradually accumulate a lot of files containing your customer master data. If this happens, it will become very difficult to maintain all these files and search for a particular file when needed.

Therefore, our advice would be to save the customer's Master Data File online and link the customer's online file to his Contact Number. By doing this, whenever you need the Master Data of the customer, you can see the Master Data of the customer by going to his contact number.

We have explained in detail in our previous article How you can save customer Master Data Online. So if you want to read the previous article then click on the button given below.

Know in Detail About LIC Master Data:

If you are a LIC agent, then you should know about LIC Master Data File in more detail. For your convenience, we are presenting a video giving you information about LIC's Master Data File. Watch this video on YouTube and get the benefit of the information given.