04 August 2023

The Art of Handling Insurance Customers on Social Media

The Art of Handling Insurance Customers on Social Media

The Art of Handling Insurance Customers on Social Media

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We welcome you to this latest article on Jeevan Bima Bazaar! If you are a Life Insurance Agent and now you have decided to use Social Media to Grow Your Insurance Business, then you must know how to answer the questions people ask on Social Media and how to handle their comments?

This is a very important link for the success of Life Insurance Business, because without this you cannot even imagine the Success of Life Insurance Business on Social Media. So in today's article we will discuss 5 important tips to handle Questions and Comments asked by People on Social Media Platforms.

Master Question and Comment Management

If you want to use your Social Media Account to get Success in Life Insurance Business and follow the tips given in the previous article. So you will find that gradually the number of your Social Media Friends will automatically start increasing.

Since your Social Media Account will represent a Life Insurance Agent, many people will try to get solutions to their Personal Life Insurance Problems from you. Like: "How will the money be paid on death claim in my life insurance policy?" You will have to face these kinds of questions constantly.

It means to say that you have to gain expertise in the subject of Life Insurance. For this you need to know the changes happening in the Insurance Industry. Apart from the plans and rules of your Life Insurance Company, you have to know the plans and rules of other competing life insurance companies.

You should try to answer the questions asked by the people and answer the comments as soon as possible. If a person asks any question related to his Insurance Policy, then you should give him such a professional answer so that he can get the solution of his problem.

Apart from the above, a Life Insurance Agent must have a positive outlook and must be prepared to face conflict situations. If someone posts objectionable post regarding their Investment or Life Insurance Products, then you should be patient and politely give a serious reply. If necessary, invite such people for personal message, personally listen to their problem and if possible try to solve it.

You should adopt kindness and sensitivity in your answers. Keep in mind that being polite and professional in your answer lays the groundwork for your success. If someone shares a problem or concern with you personally, you should listen carefully and show your sensitivity according to the situation. Your sensitive response will endear you to him and he will feel a sense of confidence.

Finally, you must demonstrate a high level of service and expertise to your customers. As a life insurance agent, your job is to provide information to customers about their safety and planning for a secure future. At the same time, the basis of your success is building better relationships with people. So when you look at people's questions and your answers on social media, ask yourself, how have you done to maintain your reputation for the highest level of service and expertise?

Tackle Challenges with a Positive Mindset

On Social Media, people's messages and comments can sometimes force you to face unexpected situations. So, you must be prepared and stay positive to face any such unexpected situation. By doing this, you will be able to develop the ability to accept conflict and adversity.

If you get negative reactions from people on Social Media, you should avoid reacting impulsively and take some time to think. Instead of giving an unsatisfying response, try to give a positive and thoughtful answer. If possible, try calling them through personal messaging on a controlled platform.

The most important thing for Life Insurance Agents is that you should prepare yourself to face such situations. Your specialized knowledge and expertise in the subject of life insurance will enable you to deal with such situations. It will also enhance your reputation and trustworthiness.

Many times it may happen that due to your personal problems, you have not been able to fulfill any promise made to one of your own customers, or due to some confusion, one of your customers may be angry with you personally. Such a customer can express his anger on your Social Media.

In such a situation, you should not stop your customers, try to start a conversation through a personal platform. Whether it's your fault or not, let customers have their say, respect them, listen to them, and try to solve their problems. Request a personal appointment and help them.

As well as problem solving, offer positive and constructive advice when faced with unexpected situations. For example: If you have satisfied one of your irate customers or social media friends who have made unexpected questions or comments on your social media accounts. Then you can encourage them to write a response to their unexpected question or comment that they have done something in a misunderstanding that they are sorry for, or to delete their comment or question from Your Social Media account themselves.

Always Prepared to Support

Responding to people's messages and comments is very important for the success of Life Insurance Business through Social Media. When someone shares their problem, query or requirement on your social media platform, it is very important to make meaningful efforts to satisfy it within the possible time frame.

To maintain continuity of accountability, you should regularly check your Social Media Accounts for New Messages and Comments. When you check such messages and promptly respond to their questions, your such activity makes the people concerned feel that you are listening to them carefully and dedicated to helping them.

When responding to any comments or questions, you should present your answers concisely and clearly. Because most people want to know the answer in brief from you. You should give your answers clearly and clearly and at the same time you can show your expertise in your answer.

You should be ready to cooperate with people on Social Media. If someone reaches out to you for a solution to their problem or for additional assistance, you should play a supportive role with them. You can point them to useful resources, or share important links for their cooperation. If a person wants to get information about any Insurance Scheme, then he can be informed about it. This effort of yours can prove to be helpful in getting a solution to their problem.

When facing all unforeseen situations, you should not face the public forums of Social Media, but try for personal conversation. With this you will be able to solve their problem easily.

Finally, thank customers or your social media friends after every conversation, and if a customer or social media friend of yours thanks you for your support, Then politely assure them that you are committed to helping them and that you are happy to do so.

Show Empathy in Your Responses

Your sensitivity and your responsive response on social media helps you connect with the customers in a human way. You should show sensitivity and thoughtfulness in your answers so that your customers feel comfortable talking to you about their problems.

If a person mentions any of his personal or business problem to you on social media, then first of all you should listen carefully to your customer and give importance to his problem. You should tell that you are very sensitive to their problem and you will try your best to solve their problem.

Choose your words very carefully while answering any question. Keep in mind that the words you choose will create your professional personality and ideal image. If necessary, listen to your customers' problems through personal messages and assure them that you will help them.

Each of your responses should be positive and helpful, and your objective should be to satisfy the customer and provide a solution to the problem. You must display proofs and evidences while answering business questions. By doing this the client will instill confidence in you and accept you as a professional agent.

After providing a solution to the problem, thank your customers and assure them that you are always there to help them solve their problem. By doing this, the customer will trust you and will continue to contact you even later.

Demonstrate Professional Service and Knowledge

Keep in mind that after purchasing any product, the customer wants to be assured of the related services. This is the reason that nowadays people want to get information about the service center of any product before buying it. So that if there is any problem after the purchase of the product, then it can easily find its solution.

Today's consumer is very aware and has started understanding the changes taking place in the insurance industry. Today's customer knows that after buying a life insurance policy, he may require different types of services till the policy term. In such a situation, through various activities of your social media, you can assure people that you are the agent for them, who can provide the best policy service.

You can divide your social media friends into three parts. In the first part, you can keep such social media friends of yours, about whom you have no information and you have not interacted with them.

In the second part, you can include friends with whom you have had conversations. Whether your conversation took place in a chat box or on a mobile phone. Similarly, in the third group, you can include such people whose friendship has happened with you on social media account, but now you know them. Their contact details and other means of contact are available with you.

You can provide various types of insurance services to such people for free such as policy premium reminder service, information about new insurance schemes, etc. and request the people involved in the third part to write their feedback on social media.

You can promote such an effort to the people involved in the first and second part. By doing this, he can also join the third part.

The people in this third part can be your new life insurance customers. The goal of all your social media efforts should be to get people involved in this third part.

Know in Detail in the Video

To know more about the information given in this article, watch the video given below carefully till the end. If you have any questions in this regard, then write your questions in the comment box of the video.

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