05 March 2023

Material for Revival of Lapsed SB Plans

Material for Revival of Lapsed SB Plans

Material for Revival of Lapsed SB Plans

If you think that you can become a successful agent by just selling new insurance. So sorry, you are thinking wrong. If you sell a new policy and your old policy keeps on lapsing. So you can never be successful. You always have to try that none of your policies lapse.

If any of your policies have lapsed. Then you should try to revive all the lapsed policies sold by you.

In this article of Jeevan Bima Bazaar, some special content is being provided to you. Using which you can revive your discontinued life insurance policy.

In which Policies the Material will be used-

LIC's policies which provide for survival benefit and have lapsed. Subject to those policies, the content shared here may be used.

But you have to keep in mind here that all these materials will be useful only when the date of participation benefit has passed.

Example- A policy is already running lapsed. Now suppose the survival benefit was to be paid from this policy on 28 January 2023. But the policyholder has not deposited the premium for his policy till 28 January 2023. In any such policy after January 29, 2023, the material presented here may be used.

How to use the Material-

Here you are being given text messages. You download the file. After this, you can take advantage of this by copying and pasting the text message and sending the text message on the mobile.

Some images are also being shared to revive the policy. You can use it for WhatsApp messages or Facebook Messenger. Apart from this, you are also being given email templates. Which can be used with the help of email.

Get content for each Month-

Here the names of all the months are being given. Whatever month you want to receive content for. Click above his name.