26 August 2022

LIC Agent Confidential Report in English

LIC Agent Confidential Report in English

LIC Agent Confidential Report in English

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If you are an agent of Life Insurance Corporation of India and want to get success. So it is important for you to have as much information as possible about all the departments of the corporation, whether it is new business dealing or policy servicing.

For sale of any life insurance policy or for after-sales services, there are different types of forms to be filled. What if an LIC agent does not know how to fill each type of form? Such an agent has to depend on others to complete his small work. This is a big hurdle in the success of that LIC agent.

We do not want any agent associated with us to lag behind in the agency business of LIC for any reason whatsoever. That's why we are providing detailed information on how to fill all types of LIC forms through various articles on "Jeevan Bima Bazaar" and through videos of our YouTube channel "Ritesh LIC Advisor".

In today's article, we will learn how to fill Agent Confidential Report form? Before we get information filling this form, let us tell you that the form number of LIC Agent Confidential Report is 380/3251 and this form of LIC is used while filling the proposal form of new business.

Why Agent Confidential Report information is necessary-

The biggest problem faced by new LIC Agents is that they do not know how to fill LIC Agent Confidential Report while filling new LIC policy form? To solve this problem, they have to repeatedly visit their development officer or CLIA. Your development officer or CLIA also has their own problems, as they have other agents like you. Because of which he is not able to give you time even if he wants to.

Now if your development officer or CLIA also explained to you how to fill Agent Confidential Report. Still, you may face some trouble in filling the form in future. In your early agency career, you might not like to go to your development officer or CLIA for the same job over and over again.

That is why this information is very useful for new agents of LIC. The information provided here will always be available to you. So that you can take advantage of it whenever you feel the need.

Useful for Experienced LIC Agents-

If you are working in Life Insurance Corporation of India for a long time. So surely you would know how to fill different types of forms of Life Insurance Corporation of India.

If you are a big and experienced agent, then you have all kinds of work, your work can be related to new insurance as well as old insurance, i.e. an experienced agent is always short of time. To save their time, many experienced LIC agents hire associates for themselves. It is a big challenge for such agents how to train their associates to fill the form.

If you employ such associates for yourself or you are a Development Officer or CLIA. So I think this post will prove to be very useful for your colleagues or new agents and you will be able to save your big time by sharing the link of this article.

How to fill Agent Confidential Report-

LIC does not know any person while selling the insurance policy. The form that is filled by the customers at the time of selling new insurance. LIC trusts him and based on that decides to provide insurance cover.

LIC knows any customer through its agent. Therefore, you play a major role as an agent in the sale of life insurance policies. LIC wants to obtain confidential information from its agent about the person whose life insurance is offered so that the corporation can decide whether it is appropriate to sell the policy to that person.

Therefore, before filling the Agent Confidential Report, it is important for you to understand what LIC wants to know from you through the questions of this form and why? So that you can give accurate information about the customer in answering the questions asked in this form. If your wrong answer results in a false claim, your agency may be cancelled. In special circumstances, the corporation may also recover from you.

So we are presenting the detailed information of how to fill this form through a video. Agents fill the confidential report only after watching this complete video carefully. We will also advise you that after filling the form, you must get the form checked by your Development Officer or CLIA.

Download Agent Confidential Report -

We understand your needs. Therefore we are presenting to you the form of LIC Agent Confidential Report (Form No. 380/3251) in PDF file. You can download this form and keep it safe in your mobile or computer and use it when needed.

  • To Download LIC ACR Blank Form - Click Here
  • To Download LIC ACR with Dummy Data in Hindi - Click Here
  • To Download LIC ACR with Dummy Data in English - Click Here
  • To Download LIC ACR in Hindi with Dummy Data for Child Insurance - Click Here
  • To Download LIC ACR in English with Dummy Data for Child Insurance - Click Here

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