25 September 2024

LIC Survey Form | Strategy for the Contact Section

LIC Survey Form | Strategy for the Contact Section

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This article will prove beneficial for the agents of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). If you are an LIC Agent, then you can find New Prospects with the help of LIC Survey Form. LIC Survey Form should not be seen only as a tool to collect customer data. With its help, you can build strong practical relationships with unknown customers and establish yourself as a Professional Agent by giving information about LIC.

In this article of Jeevan Bima Bazaar, we will learn in detail the ways to fill this Survey Form of LIC, in which we will also analyze the details of each question and its possible answers. Our suggestion for you would be to prepare notes of the important information given here. So that you can use it better in future when needed.

Enter Agency Code and Area Name

At the beginning of the survey form, the agent has to enter his Agency Code and Area Name.

Agency Code: You have to enter your agency code at the beginning of the LIC survey form. This is important because doing so creates trust in the mind of the customer.

Area Name: Write the area where you have gone to conduct the survey clearly. By doing this, you will benefit that when you have a lot of survey forms collected and you have to search for any one form, then with the help of this you will be able to find a particular form easily.

Personal Information of the Customer

At the beginning of the Survey Form, you have to write your customer's personal data. Many times during the Survey, you will feel that the customer may feel uncomfortable while giving his personal information. If you feel like this, then my suggestion would be to first work on the questions and related suggestions given in the Survey Form and get the customer's personal information after the survey is completed.

But if the customer is ready to give his personal information easily in the beginning, then definitely note his Name, Date of Birth, Address, Mobile Number and Email ID in the form. Let us know why this is important

Name and Date of Birth: When you have the customer's name and his date of birth, then you can provide an accurate presentation of any Life Insurance Policy for him. By doing this, the customer is impressed and your professional image is created.

Address: When you survey a lot of people in an area, then you will collect data of a lot of people. In such a situation, if you have the customer's address available, then you will be able to reach the customer easily.

Mobile Number: We would suggest you to ask the customer for his WhatsApp Number. Because if you have the customer's WhatsApp Number, you will be able to keep him informed about the updates happening in the Insurance Industry. This will play an important role in Customer Relationship Development for you.

Email ID: We would suggest you to get the customer's email ID. Because with its help, you will be able to influence the customer about your Life Insurance Products through Email Marketing.

Suppose you do not want to work on email marketing at present, even then you should get the customer's email ID. Because if you want to grow your business through email marketing in the future, then it will prove to be very beneficial for you.

Important Points for LIC Survey Form:

It is very important to collect accurate customer information during the survey as it will help you to better communicate the various schemes and services of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) in the future. You should ensure that you get as much information as possible about the customer's family, such as:

  • Names, Date of Birth and Number of children.
  • Name and Date of Birth of the customer's spouse.
  • Date of the customer's wedding anniversary.

Apart from this, it can be even more useful for you if you also know the educational qualification of all the family members. Also, getting information about the customer's occupation will also prove to be helpful in your future presentation. Ask the date of birth and other details directly from the customer or take their Aadhaar card or other documents.

Why are Details Important?

1. Effective Life Insurance Policy Presentation:

As you know, Life Insurance Corporation of India policy premium is based on the policyholder's date of birth. When you know the customer's correct date of birth, you can decide which LIC Policy will be most suitable for him. This accurate information can make your policy presentation more effective and increase the chances of selling the policy.

2. Customer Relationship Development:

Strong customer relationship is essential to succeed in life insurance. When you wish the customer and his family on important days like birthdays and marriage anniversaries, it strengthens your relationship. This kind of personal attention helps in retaining the customer and enhances your credibility as a LIC agent.

3. Educational Support System:

While conducting Surveys for LIC, you get a chance to meet different types of customers. You will agree with us that every person is more sensitive about the future of their children, especially their education. Now if you have knowledge about the Professional Education System, you can advise your customers in this regard. For example:

  • If the customer wants to get his child Medical Education, then what kind of Education System should he adopt for his Child's Education and what will be the estimated cost of such Professional Education?
  • If the customer wants to get his child Engineering Education or any other Professional Education, then you can guide him and give information about the expenses.

This advice will help you as a LIC Agent to build a better relationship with the customer, as they will see you not just as an Insurance Agent but as a family advisor.

4. Networking with Education Professionals:

If you try to interact with strangers through LIC Surveys, you will get a chance to meet people who are associated with the Education Sector, such as: School Managers, Professors, Clerk, Teachers, etc. You can try to sell Insurance Policies to such people, and on the other hand, you can also get New Customers with their help.

Many people in the society are looking for good teachers, on the other hand, tuition teachers are looking for students. In such a situation, you can become a medium that fulfills the needs of both.

On the one hand, when the employment of teachers increases, the chances of selling your Life Insurance Policy increase. On the other hand, when a family gets a good teacher for their children because of you, you establish yourself as an important person for that family. That is, both situations are beneficial for you.

5. Estimation of Professional Education Expenses:

When you have information about the fees of different types of educational institutes and the expenses of professional courses, you can share these figures with customers. You can use this during LIC Policy Presentation, which makes your presentation effective and increases the chances of selling the policy. The sum assured of such a policy is usually high, which helps you easily get club membership and lead to achievements like MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table).

6. High Performance Guaranteed:

LIC Policies sold this way are more stable than the normal sales method and often remain active for a longer period of time. This will not only make your business flourish but also establish you as a top-level LIC Agent.

7. Medical Support System:

When you collect data of your customers as a LIC Agent, you come to know about unemployed members in their families. This information can help you find employment opportunities. For example, if you keep in touch with different Hospitals, Clinic Centres and Medical Stores, you can know when and what kind of staff they need.

This information can help you suggest employment opportunities to eligible customers or their families, thereby strengthening your customer base.

8. Importance of Medical Expenses and Insurance:

Getting in touch with your various doctors gives you detailed information about the diseases and the cost of their treatment. Additionally, you can also get medical case studies in the process, which helps you understand the kind of financial crisis different types of families face due to medical reasons.

Using this information, you can offer Critical Illness Riders or Health Insurance Policies to your customers. When you give customers examples of real statistics and case studies, they show more interest in your Insurance Products.

9. Business Relationships and Networking:

When working with medical support systems, you not only collect information for your customers but can also develop business relationships. You can suggest doctors, medical stores, and hospitals to your customers relevant to their medical needs. Thus, you not only improve customer service but also create possibilities of selling insurance policies to them by building relationships with medical professionals.

This networking strategy helps you to successfully sell insurance in the medical field and increase your customer base.

10. Providing Employment Opportunities:

During each survey, it is extremely important to understand the type of business your customer is into. Is he a job provider, or does he or any of his family members need employment? When you consistently collect such data, you can use these information as a job bridge on various digital platforms.

By working with this method, you will find that people will voluntarily approach you to meet their life insurance needs. This will have a highly positive impact on your business and establish you as a resourceful insurance agent.


To become a successful LIC agent, whenever you conduct a survey with a customer, try to know his complete profile. This information will not only be beneficial for that customer but will also help you provide better services to other people. Thus, you will not only strengthen your professional brand but also take a big step towards making your life insurance business even more successful.

Click on the “Next Page” button below for more details and to understand the first question of the survey form, its impact and other important points.

Know in Detail in the Video

To know more about the information given in this article, watch the video given below carefully till the end. If you have any questions in this regard, then write your questions in the comment box of the video.

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